wah, award lagi...excited..ble scroll jew kat shoutmix box,
then tertera anda dapat award..
thanks alot CIK HANA sbb sudi kasi award ni kat princess :))
sangat teruja!
then tertera anda dapat award..
thanks alot CIK HANA sbb sudi kasi award ni kat princess :))
sangat teruja!

hana, princess copy ea from your blog ;)
1.Write 5 intresting facts about the person who gave u this award
-orgnya sgt sweet
-baik hati
-baik hati
-my new friend
-she's only 16, muda dari princess :p
-she's only 16, muda dari princess :p
-punya blog yg comel
2. Write down 10 intresting facts about yourself and your hobby....
10 ke? ape yg menarik ea..
-love arts soo much
-suka conteng2
-suka pink + putih + biru
-love listening to music-antara blog & fb, i choose BLOG!!
-love snapping tp x ske di'snap'
-ske buat kad
-slalu skodeng blog & fb org len, lbh2 lagi pic dowg ;p
-ske bkurung sorg lam bilik
-ske SENYUM :D
3. Pick your most 10 deserving recipients
i'll tag them
i'll tag them

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and the link of the person :
thnks Lovely Hana :)..really appreciate it.
2. Spread the award to 15 blogger who you like & you think their blogs are awesome :
i will tag them later on..
and for those who love this award, pleasa take ya..
i love to give it to u :)
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