This is my first award :)
Thanks to Miss Chikako for this beautiful award..
love you..hehehe
love you..hehehe
*in order to get this award, i need to ask some qs..
7 things about me ^____^
...need to be honest ea??hurm..I try...
Erm, start with my name..
i'm Engku Farahah..
[1st tyme kot mention kat blog ni..skali ni jew =p]
my birthday ~> 11 dec
A teacher-to-be..insyaAllah
Addicted to pink + white + baby blue
The youngest in my siblings (4 of 4)
Love crafting, listening to music, drawing, blogging, 'FB'ing ~
I love my diary, pinky handphone, lappy..
and then i need to choose 10 blogger to get d this one too,
i love to give this award to:
1. Pelangi Chenta
2. Bubblelyna
3. Sicokletpotpetpot
4. Puteri Ketenangan
5. Alia
6. A Travelog of a Girl
7. Cik Gadis
8. Cikbelog
9. Ayu
10. Gadis Merah Jambu
Who has been tagged, you can take this award
and u need to share 7 things about yourself too..
ur princess,
tengs kasik coklet :)
ReplyDeletedear trimass yea :) nanti cikbelog amix award kamu :D