November 27, 2010

Award yg banyak..thnks Myra :)

Da lama tak jenguk blog
gara2 syok sangat bercuti.
[kat umah jer, x g vacation pown]..
then tgok kat shoutmix..
dapat award lagi!! hehehe~
thanks a lot  Ms Little Myrashmallow for your kindness..
amat suke..
dpt 6 skaligus :D

award yang satu ini perlu jawab soalan....huhu~

1. berikan 1 nick name untuk saya:
    untuk pemberi award ini..
Miss Purple Marshmallow :)

2. ucapan untuk pemberi award ini...
   trima kasih banyak2 kepada Ms Myrashmallow sbb 
sudi kasi princess award yang banyak ni..really appreciate it ;)
amat2 gmbira + terhari ni ..
thnk you soo much =D

3. berikan 5fav artis/singer/group yang korang minat...
Taylor Swift
Katy Perry
Maher Zain
Miley Cyrus

ur princess,

November 15, 2010



Dah selamat & selesai menduduki peperiksaan akhir...
Masa untuk pulang bercuti,
kurang sejam dari sekarang,
akak akan datang amek..
dan saya akan pulang ke rumah
jumpa Mak + Abah tercinta ~~
[i love them both]

Selamat tinggal kampusku, 
selamat tinggal bilikku..
saya akan pulang..
hehehe...sorry ya, i'm too excited..
da lama tak balek rumah..huhuhu..

p/s: kepada sesiapa yg pulang ke kampung jgk nnti, hati2 ya dan smoga selamat sampai k..jaga diri ;)


ur princess,

November 13, 2010

mode: Struggle!!


Masa untuk study..
tapi saya..MALAS
MALAS, please jauh dari saya..

dont give up, dear;)
Need to fight for the last paper before Raya + holiday!
here I come~
please stay with me till this monday ya!
[15th November]

Do pray for me ya ^__^ 

p/s: Princess, dont have to be the best, 
just do your best k.. =)

ur princess,

November 12, 2010

::Award Lagi::

Tadaaa...this is mine!

I'm soo excited! hehe..
tgok2 kat shoutbox ade ternampak sumthing!!
Dapat award lagi..
Thanks a lot to Cik Pelangi sbb sudi kasi award ni..
thnks darl~ =)

1. Berikan satu nick name saya :
Princess comel celup =p

2. ucapan untuk pemberi AWARD ini : 

thnks a lot darl ^_^..terima kasih sbb sudi pilih blog ni wlpun x bpe nk cantik..
..amt terharu neyh..sob3..hehehe~
nt bley kasi ag =p

3. berikan 6fav artis / singer / group yang korang minat :
taylor swift
miley cyrus
siti nurhaliza
sixth sense

bagi AWARD ini kepada 10 orang kawan kawan Blog / followers
korang yang Comel Cantik Lawa Gedik Manis Masam
Pahit itu :

byk ag yg comey..tak larat nak tag dah..
kepada yg menerima, tahniah ya!

Saya ditag!

Saya ditag oleh miss Niniey comey ;))
nak korek rahsia ea..
ok2, sy jwb.. :)
*apa benda paling penting dalam hidup anda  ?
handphone, lappy, camera, purse, pen & jgk kertas

*benda terakhir yang korang beli pakai duit sendiri .
*dimana tempat korang nak langsungkan perkahwinan & apa tema perkahwinan korang ? 
garden yg luas + chantek~ fairytales ;)
*adakah korang sedang bercinta sekarang ?
erm, yes! ;p
*berapa lama korang akan mencintai kekasih korang ?
forever, insyaAllah~

*novel/buku/majalah yang terakhir korang beli?
magazine psl kereta

*antara mak ayah korang , mana yang korang lebih mesra ?  
mak sy la :)

*namakan orang yang betul2 korang nak jumpa dalam hidup korang ? 
wan azizah + engku omar 
[my mom and dad] love u both ;)

*adakah korang basuh baju korang sendiri ?
        semestinya mesin yg basuh ;p
           *dimanakah tempat yang betul2 korang nak pergi ?
            after makkah, paris forsure!
      *pilih salah satu , peluk atau cium .
          both bley tak? hehe... i prefer peluk kot.

       *beritahu 3 benda tentang orang yang tag anda .
   sgt2 chumel, creative and lovely..
[i tak tipu taw]

*benda yang korang sayang sangat dalam hidup korang ? 
mcm2,... paling lappy
[nt tak ley on9 n edit pic]
*5 lagu yang paling korang suka n slalu dengar :
can i have this dance...HSM3
always be my baby...David Cook
bila harus memilih...Siti
yang terindah...ost adamaya
tear drops on my guitar...taylor swift

*5 blogger yang dipertanggungjawabkan utk jawab tag ini :


November 10, 2010


Seriously I wanna join this contest!!
Please let me in..hehe :))

To join contest ni, i've to choose ONLY one picture of my bestfriend and I..
to pick the best pic,'s too hard....
bcoz, for me...all the moment that we shared are the best!!

...and now i need to explain something about this pic and about her too.. 
This pic has been taken during choir competition~

Ok, i wanna introduce my bestfriend here,
she's Nurul Farhana..
nickname, Hana..
nak lagi manja BabyYana.. 
[opps sorry, tercakap kat sini..hehe]

She's my bestfriend, my roomate, and my clasmates too ^__^

I know her for almost 2 years.
I love her so much ^___^

ur princess,

November 9, 2010

My 1st Award :)

This is my first award :) 
Thanks to Miss Chikako for this beautiful award..
love you..hehehe

 *in order to get this award, i need to ask some qs..

7 things about me ^____^..
...need to be honest ea??hurm..I try...

Erm, start with my name..
i'm Engku Farahah.. 
[1st tyme kot mention kat blog ni..skali ni jew =p]
my birthday ~> 11 dec
A teacher-to-be..insyaAllah
Addicted to pink + white + baby blue
The youngest in my siblings (4 of 4)
Love crafting, listening to music, drawing, blogging, 'FB'ing ~
I love my diary, pinky handphone, lappy..

and then i need to choose 10 blogger to get d this one too,

i love to give this award to:

1. Pelangi Chenta
2. Bubblelyna
3. Sicokletpotpetpot
4. Puteri Ketenangan
5. Alia
6. A Travelog of a Girl
7. Cik Gadis
8. Cikbelog
9. Ayu
10. Gadis Merah Jambu

Who has been tagged, you can take this award
and u need to share 7 things about yourself  too..

ur princess,

    Along, Happy Birthday!!

    9th November,
    to my beloved
    Kak Long, Engku Norein...


    May this day be as special as you are
    hope it will brings everything that you desire...
    I love you sooo much..
    Muahhxx ..
    ~ Sarangheyo ~
    I love you, Sis!


    ur princess,

    November 7, 2010

    Conteng2 tyme bosan~

    Hasil contengan kat notebook kecik saya --->>>>>>>
    [bila da bosan sgt study~]
    Pantang ade pen and kertas..
    pasti tercontengla kertas tu..
    termasukla kertas2 soalan & lecture note ;).. of my hobby habits..

    colours of my life
    gudluck 4 final!
    in love??
    LOVE again??

    Saya suka pen dan kertas!

    ur princess,

    Study VS Makan

    Study banyak, makan pun banyak jugak..
    bahaya, bahaya..
    amat tak patot kan2??
    bru je jawab satu soalan, then take 5..
    makan tyme!!hahaha..
    taknak kasi perut tension,
    kepala tension takpe la..kjap jew.

    Erm, bwu je makan yougurt..
    art ade di mane2 :) and it's mine!
    Mix fav!

    sekarang ni teringin
    nak makan chocolate and ice-cream..
    huhuhu..mane nak cari malam2 ni..
    terpaksa bersabar till esok pagi..huk3
    teringinn sangat2 T_T..

    ur princess,

    Virus or allergy?

    Feeling unwell today...huhuhu

    got d fluuu...dan saya tak suka!!
    tapi kan... virus ataupun skadar alahan pada sejuk je ni??
    sampai skarang blum stop lagi..
    [maklumlah, sekarang ni musim hujan & hujan taknak stop..sejuuuukkk]
    da bertutup smua ni..siap dgn stokin, penutup kepala....glove je takde..
    erm, hope it's just an allergy :)

    Bertahan ya!
    Lusa ade second last paper for final ;(  --->trigo
    one of my major paper T_T 
    [wanna perform well to keep maintain da pointer or even better for this tyme,..really hope so..]
    tak bley demam taw!
    keep fighting!

    ur princess,

    November 5, 2010

    Penangan Paintball =p

    30 oct lepas, 
    tatkala orang sbuk study & mngadap buku,
    diriku sempat ag join PJ Group pegi maen paintball..hehe
    [thnks for inviting me]
    tyme tu, lusa da nk stat first paper for final exam..
    bukan ape, 
    nk release tension..
    da bosan tgok huruf2 dlm buku2 tu 
    . amt lemas pkai mask ni..n marker tu agk berat..hu3

    Gara2 terlampau excited pkai suit and dpt pegang marker tu,
    jd terlupa nak warm up sebelum start maen perang2...
    ..pastu... habes sakit satu badan..
    especially part lutut n ke bawah..huk3..caket..
    derita utk satu mggu taw..adeh..
    btol2 cukup smggu da hri ni..yeah..da tak sakit da..:) alhamdulillah

    hehe..mcm ni la bila princess maen perang2..manje sesangat kan..
    mmg x ley jadii..kne la lasak sket..

    [mengade btol kan2??]

    Jadi, matlamat terbaru kali ni, nak jadi lagi lasak..xde da lembut2 ni..hihihi,, 
    do support me ya!

    ur princess,

    What's wrong??

    What i've done wrong for today??
    Please forgive me for anything and everything that i've done wrong..
    I didnt mean it to make you sad, unhappy, stress or whatever..

    Stop being like this,
    stop being moody..
    i guess you'll never read this post..
    so, you will never know what i feel right now..
    i'm sorry  

    I'm so SAD... T_T

    ur princess,

    November 4, 2010

    When I'm feeling SAD T_T

    When I’m feeling sad, I feel like someone has taken all the colors away and everything is grey and gloomy and droopy.

    When I’m feeling sad I feel like I could cry..cry..cry and cry sooo much that I make a flood! I want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head and stay there until the sadness goes away.

    Some things make me really sad like when fighting with my best friend or when I’m sick and my body doesn’t work properly or when someone or something I love dies. It’s ok to let yourself feel sad but it could help to talk to someone about it. Sharing your feelings can sometimes make you feel better.

    When I’m feeling sad I try to be kind and gentle to myself. I like to add some doodles in my diary or listen to my favorite music. Sometimes, just being with friends and family makes me feel better even if I don’t want to talk.

    But the nicest feeling of all is when a kind person gives me a hug and says “Everything is going to be okay”.

    ur princess,

    Dear YOU :)


    Take my hand, take a breath
    Pull me close and take one step
    Keep your eyes locked on mine,
    And let the music be your guide.
    Take my hand, I'll take the lead
    And every turn will be safe with me
    Don't be afraid, afraid to fall
    You know I'll catch you threw it all..

    It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you,
    It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do,
    And with every step together, we just keep on getting better..
    So can I have this dance
    Mountains too high enough, oceans too wide
    Together or not, our dance won't stop
    Let it rain, let it pour
    What we have is worth fighting for
    You know I believe, that we were meant to be..:)

    Hope we'll be together and forever..insyaAllah~

    Sarangheyo ^_^

    ur princess,